Converting a physical standby database to a snapshot standby database in Oracle 19c involves several steps. A snapshot standby database allows read/write access to the standby database while remaining able to fall back to the physical standby database. A snapshot standby database provides many advantages over a physical standby database in an Oracle environment. A snapshot standby database is a fully updatable standby database that is created by converting a physical standby database into a snapshot standby database. A snapshot standby database receives and archives, but does not apply redo data from a primary database. Redo data received from the primary database is applied when a snapshot standby database is converted back into a physical standby database, after discarding all local updates to the snapshot standby database.
Sunday, July 21, 2024
What is snapshot Standby Database? What are benefits?
Wednesday, July 03, 2024
The cluvfy (Cluster Verification Utility)
The cluvfy (Cluster Verification Utility) is a tool provided by Oracle to verify the state of various components in an Oracle RAC (Real Application Clusters) environment before and after installation, patching, or other system changes. Here are the key points about the cluvfy utility:
The cluvfy utility performs system checks to ensure the required configuration and preinstallation steps have been completed successfully, so that the Oracle update or patch operation can complete without issues.
Some of the key checks performed by cluvfy include verifying node reachability, node connectivity, shared storage accessibility, free space in the CRS home, CRS integrity, and more.
To use cluvfy, you need to run the commands as the "grid" user. If the Grid Infrastructure is not yet installed, you can run cluvfy from the software files directory (e.g. /u01/orasw/grid). Otherwise, run it from the $ORACLE_HOME.
The cluvfy utility is included with the Grid Infrastructure installation, but you can also download the latest standalone version from My Oracle Support.
The standalone version is backward compatible and can be used with older Oracle RAC versions. Running cluvfy before and after patching Grid Infrastructure is recommended to ensure the patch can be applied successfully and the cluster is in a healthy state after the patch.
In summary, the cluvfy utility is an essential tool for verifying the readiness and health of an Oracle RAC environment and should be used regularly during the installation, configuration, and maintenance of the cluster.
Using the Cluster Verification Utility(CVU)
Cluster Verification Utility Requirements
- At least 30MB of free space for the CVU software on the node from which you run the CVU
- A location for the current JDK, Java 1.4.1 or later
- A working directory with at least 25MB of free space on each node